Carbon negative activities or products go beyond achieving reduced carbon impact, or net zero carbon impact, to actually remove additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.In coffee-based Polypropylene, the biomass present in the material sequesters carbon from the atmosphere, making it carbon-negative. This means that the material blocks carbon from entering the air and captures it within the product.
Carbon neutral activities or products emit zero net carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The world’s leading companies are increasingly making carbon neutral, “net zero,” or carbon negative commitments for their businesses and supply chains.
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is an important tool for finding out about the climate and environmental impact of products. Life cycle assessments may be performed on a cradle-to-grave or cradle-to-cradle basis to assess environmental impact associated with different phases of the product life cycle, from raw material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, and use.
Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic polymer known for its excellent mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties, making it a versatile material used in a wide range of industries. Historically, it has been derived from petroleum-based sources. However, at AirX, we prioritize sustainable practices and offer PP products blended with bio-based materials to reduce environmental impact and minimize the carbon footprint. Additionally, our PP products are designed to be recyclable, contributing to the circular economy.
Polymers are large molecules composed of many small, repeating molecules linked together in a chain. Both synthetic polymers and natural polymers play a role in countless materials and processes of everyday life, from fibers and textiles to rubber to biological structures like proteins and DNA.
Recycling captures the value in used materials through re-use. In the case of coffee-based Polypropylene, recycling may be either mechanical, where the this plastic is melted, purified, and recast as coffee-based Polypropylene pellets, which requires the. The coffee-based Polypropylene produced by AirX technology is 100% recyclable and can be mixed with existing recycling streams without interruption of the recycling process as it is generally designed today.